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Sekiguchi Kômei Sensei


Sekiguchi Kômei Sensei was born March 20, 1946 in Saitama prefecture.

He practiced several martial arts including Judo, Kendo or Karate. Then he found his way into MJER Iaijutsu at Meibukan dojo under the direction of the 20th soke Onoe Masamitsu. 

After completing his cursus, he founded the school Kômei Juku to pursue the transmission of MJER.


"Iaijutsu is a martial art that allow to develop fighting spirit, character and to improve on technical level by training with a real sword. The number of practicioners has increased day by day, not only in Japan but in the whole world. It gives me great joy to see that people, all over the world, follow the Iai way and then found true friendship experience".

                                                        Sekiguchi Kômei

Sekiguchi sensei is a member of the prestigious Nihon Kobudo Kyokai, an organization wich lists and allow to study Koryu (ancient schools).




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